The information or content contained in Fareonn mobile application and website is for general information purposes only. It is provided or posted by the user(s) of the mobile application and website. User(s) understand and agree that in such case SoftBeads Pvt. Ltd. is not the author of the content or information. User(s) further understand and agree we are not responsible for the accuracy, propriety, lawfulness or truthfulness of any user(s) content or information made available on the application and shall not be liable to any user(s) in connection with any damage suffered by the user(s) on account of the user(s) reliance on such content or information. We shall not be liable for user(s) activities on the mobile application and the website, and shall not be liable to any person in connection with any damage suffered by any person as a result of any user’s conduct.

We accept no responsibility for checking and verifying the accuracy of data submitted by the user(s). User(s) must verify details, data as well as its right, title, ownership, lien etc. on their own. User(s) must use any of the information on the mobile application and the website entirely at their own responsibility.

Further, we are not involved in any transaction between any user(s) who is using our mobile application and website. There are risks, which the user assumes when dealing with people and the same shall be borne by the user(s). The mobile application and website is a platform only and do not screen or/and censor or/and otherwise control the postings offered to other user, nor does screen or/and censor or/and otherwise control the user(s) of its service.

SoftBeads Pvt. Ltd. will try to make every effort to keep the mobile application and website up and running smoothly. However, we take no responsibility for, and will not be liable for, the mobile application and the website being temporarily unavailable due to technical issues beyond our control.

User must also agree to our

Terms And Conditions Of Use and Privacy Policy

COPYRIGHT 2022 | Softbeads Private Limited